The name René Clausen is renowned by choral musicians, conductors and music lovers alike. His compositions are performed around the world and his work as a commissioned composer, clinician and guest conductor have taken him from coast to coast.
Please join us in celebrating Dr. Clausen with a gift to the René Clausen Choral Legacy Endowed Fund.
This permanent fund honors the legacy of Dr. René Clausen by claiming the future for The Concordia Choir, the choral program at Concordia College and the musicians who will carry forth this living tradition of excellence in music.
If you have questions about your giving, please contact us at 218.299.4830.
Thank you for making a monthly recurring gift to Concordia College! Your on-going monthly gift will be processed based on the date of this first gift. If today is the 1-14, your monthly gift will be processed on the 1st. If today is the 15-31, your gift will be processed on the 15th. Thanks again for supporting Cobbers!